jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

How to Stop Being Just Another Guy

A lot of PUAs talk about investment as the ultimate way to get attraction, and it absolutely is.

Even after this, there's not much written about the subject, so this article will be about the power of investment, and after the explanation i will provide a few routines, tips and examples of good ways to trigger investment.

Why is investment important?
As the title of the article suggests, when a girl invests in you, you stop being just a random guy she met, and as the investment levels start to rise, it will take you all the way from a stranger to her lover.

The best example is always to look at yourself. As we will see soon, thinking about someone when they are not around is one of the best ways of investment. Think about it, we all had that one girl we think about more than the rest, and hooking up with her seems more exiting than hooking up with a random girl at the club. That girl thats a harder catch, and that makes her so much more attractive.

This is because you have invested feelings and time in that girl. For girls this principle is exponentially more powerful, as they are much more concerned with the quality and quantity of guys they choose to hook up with.

So, how does an investment free interaction look like?
 Interview mode is a great example: you find yourself investing your time and effort on making small talk with a girl and she is just not giving back. Well, that 'giving back' is what we call investment.

An extreme example would be a girl that's crazy about Justin Bieber. She will spend money, time and emotions on that person to the point of making that guy into an idea instead of a person. Investment is so powerful that you can actually say less in an interaction, an as the other person is investing in you, attractive traits will be assumed for you, working in a fashion similar to pre-selection. this is why listening is so important (more on that later).

Types of Investment.
Time is our only true currency, and this is true for investing in people too.

The three main types of investment are:

-Time investment
-Emotional investment
-Physical investment

Time investment.
When a girl thinks about you, when she looks throw your Facebook page, when she sees something that reminds her of you, or when she prepares for an hour to get pretty for your date, to go to the club she knows you will be at, this is time investment. It's the most common type and God, it's so powerful.

Emotional investment.
When a girl allows herself to feel something for you, we call that emotional investment. I personally suggest good feelings over negative ones, but emotional roller-coasters are awesome and girls love them, they make life exiting for us all, so sometimes feeling like she can loose you is good. But be careful, later I will explain, to pull this off correctly, you need to be a truly solid man or you might end up hurting girls feelings instead.

Physical Investment
Physical Investment is all about the feelings she gets as you start to have more intimate experiences together. The level of investment each physical experience has depends on the girl and her age. If you, the reader, are just a teen, maybe even holding hands or hugging can be considered physical investment. Kissing is a bit higher on the investment scale, and it's value really depends on the girl. Some girls hook up with many guys, some are really picky about who hey kiss. I had a friend in her 20's that could recall the name of every single guy she'd ever kissed and had made a big deal about her 25th first kiss and didn't wanna hook up with a guy she kind of liked because she wanted her 25th to be special. I have also hooked up with girls that didn't ask for my name ever.
Sex is the universal physical investment, and usually after sex things never go back to what they were before.


How to become an investment friendly guy?

Let's make an analogy with foreign investment. How does a foreign country become more <<foreign investment friendly>>? It has to stabilize, have a solid foundation and provide security for the investor. It has to be trust worthy. Sometimes it has to give the investor a sense of security by compromising too. So, let's apply that to us.

The Solid Man
We as men have to become more very solid individuals. Let me explain, I use this metaphor on my self regularly: Imagine a wooden post solidly planted on the ground, and around it a stormy ocean. The wooden post is your core, and the stormy ocean is the feelings and problems people and life throw at you. You have to be able to let big waves hit the post, without letting it be taken from its place, let the waves hit the post without altering it, let that post be planted as firmly on the ground as it possibly can, don't let the flow of life throw you around. Specially, don't let the post float on that ocean, don't let the problems and feelings people
throw at you swing you around.

This kind of guy is someone that girls can actually trust with their feelings. This kind of guy is not predictable though, and is not always nice. In fact he is never nice. He is kind, but not nice. Elliot Hulse, an awesome vlogger in youtube talks about that difference 
I great guy, you should take a look at his videos.

Investing to get invested on.
Have you ever heard Mystery talk about the "you have taken up my mind" routines? one of the key things to get a girl to invest in you, is that you invest on her. Make her feel wanted, make her feel like you really like her, so she can safely let herself feel stuff for you, emotionally invest in you. I absolutely love and have used Mystery's pomegranate routine successfully, so I'm going to share it with you. Use it with care, don't use it to fuck a girl and then leave her. Taking advantage of emotional investment is fucking wrong mate, it hurts. If you want a one night stand just use time investment techniques.

The Pomegranate Routine by Mystery.

PUA:you suck
HER:what? why??
PUA: the other day i was in the supermarket and i passed in front of the fruit counter, and there was a pomegranate section, and i used to do this thing with my sister were my mom would buy us pomegranates and we would fight over them and stuff all the time, and we used to make this dessert, like pomegranates are awesome by them selves, but we used to peal it and take each seed out and place them all on a bowl, dude that takes a lot of work like you just wanna eat the damn thing but you know this way its going to be much better so from time to time we did this, you take each seed and put them on a bowl, and then put honey over it, its a fucking amazing dessert, so one day my mom brought home 2 pomegranates, one for me and one for my sister, and my sister wasn't there so i decided instead of fighting over them i would do something nice and prepare the dessert for her and for me.

I eat mine and left hers on the fridge, and when she got home she thought I had eaten hers and started hitting me (she was older than me she would kick my ass) and I was like wait wait, I actually prepared that for you, I already ate mine!

That was the last time we fought actually :)

But the point of the story is, I saw the pomegranate on the counter and wanted to make that dessert for you, but I don't even know if you like pomegranates! see you suck!

End of routine. Adapt it to your life, I don't have a sister so I told it using my brother instead and it worked very well. See how this conveys 'I think about you'? and its a DHV story too Mystery is a fucking genius. It's a protector of loved ones (POLO) text book DHV story. It's light too, and playful, and the best part is she will be scared you are telling her she actually sucks and then you are not, so the emotional roller-coaster is like heroin to girls.

Also a very important way to get emotional investment:


Done in good measure and intelligently, it will make the girls fell a weird mix of shame and pleasure that makes them tick. you will know if you are doing it right when she giggles as you do it. if she doesn't just change the subject and don't try it again for a while, but don't freak out about it, we all make bad jokes. practice this skill a lot, teasing the right way is very powerful.

Ok this has gotten extremely long, I'm just going to close here.

Below i will attach a few links to great examples,

Tips and routines that use the principle of investment.

The f close at her please routine by Adam Lyons:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6TGBKaR76c (minute 1:46:00)

The neckless close by style

Couldn't find it its on The Game by Neil Strauss

The call me voicemail principle by simple pickup

Hope this helps bro.


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