martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Lesson 3

The Kiss LMR Destroyer Routine

Lesson 3 is different from the first two lessons. This lesson deals with a very spesific situation. I decided to share it, as it's a very common, and you may find value in it.

Sometimes in the field, girls will show LMR (Last Minute Resistance) to a kiss close, and the routine I'm about to share with you now deals with that type of situation.

Let me give you an example of a girl showing LMR before a kiss.
Last month I went out, and there was a brazilian girl, a bit older than me, that was fucking hot, so I played the usual game: talk to her and her friends a bit, then leave on a high note, then when I run into them again later, talk to them again, kino (physical touch) escalate a bit, then leave on a high note again,
and the third time I run into them, kino, isolate by hugging her, dance a bit and hug her again, by having my hands around her waist, pulling her close, and looking into her eyes. I see she looks at me expectantly, and I go for the kiss, but she rejects it by turning her head. I laugh if off, and a bit later try again. She turns her head, so I run The Kiss LMR Destroyer Routine that is Lesson 3.

When she turns her head, kiss her on her cheek, and make her feel confortable by laughing it off. Then slowly start to kiss her down from her cheek to her neck. Kiss her on her neck, and feel how she loosens up and gets exited. Then with your thumb and index finger touch her chin, and look at her eyes without going for the kiss for 3 or 4 seconds. A lot of tension will be created. Don't wait too much, sometimes its not even necessary to build the tension, just go for the kiss.

This routine has worked 100% of the times I've used it, but you do have to use it only if you can feel that she just rejected the kiss because you haven't gotten close enough, but she does like you and she does wanna kiss you.
If that's not the case good luck trying to kiss her neck.

Hope you find value in this,


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