viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Lesson 7

The Law of Symbiosis

Symbiosis is a term borrowed from ecology, and is used to describe a type of relationship between 2 life forms. a simbiotic relationship is one in which both life forms are beneficiated by the relationship and none are harmed by it.

Lesson 7, the law of symbiosis, states: Achive your goals through helping others ahive their own.
Its a simple guideline by which I choose to live my life by, so let's first talk about that for a second. Men, specially older and wiser, successful men, live by a code. they have a specific set of guidelines they live by, believe in, and use to define themselves and their identity as an individual.
For example, many men choose to put family first, over everything. So if there was to be an opportunity to be transferred to a better paid job, but that implied not being able to take care of his parents, seeing his son if he's divorced, etc. those men would not take that opportunity.

This exercise of setting the guidelines you choose to live by, is part of the development of your own individuality, and this are, therefore, to be set very carefully and with a lot of deep reflection upon each one.

I chose the law of symbiosis as I was taking a course in ecology, and studying about social dynamics in my free time. It states that every relationship in your life should be helpful for myself, in my journey, and it should also be helpful to the other person.

Classic example of symbiotic relationship. The bird gets free food, the crocodile gets free mouth cleaning.

This means that I will not take favors from people without being sure to give back, as I can appreciate the work people spend on me, and the time they willingly choose to dedicate to myself.

As I understand, there is only one true currency in this world, and that is time. You have a limited amount of it, and you give it it's value. See, just like every commodity in the market, your time has a price, and that price is set by how much you have worked in yourself to improve your skills, and also by how much you yourself value your own time.

With time you can do anything: learn to spell, get a job, get a degree, get power, get money. Time is the only thing that is really ours and we can turn it into whatever we want to, as long as we are willing to do the work that is necessary to transform something like time, into knowledge, material possessions and healthy relationships.

So value time. Value your time, and value the time people spend on you. Let people know that you apreciate the things they do for you, and do things for them.

This sets things for next lesson: Never expect any thanks in this life.

We will talk about that on tusday, so i hope you liked this and until then,


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