martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Time has more than 1 dimention.

This lesson has a very well known implication, and we'll see that feeling like time goes faster when you have fun, and slower when you do nothing could be explained by this understanding.

When i visited Los Angeles last month I had an experience that made me think twice about time and what it means. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell you this because after all, this is not lesson 9, this is lesson 20, and has a lot of depth; but we will talk about that later in this article.

So in Los Angeles, a friend of the family that lives there told us that we should go to the Griffith Observatory, up in the hills. So we went there to a showing in the planetarium. It was about the movement of planets, time, and how we measure it.

 Then it hit me. Time is measured by change! We measure time by cicles. A day is a cicle of the earth's spin, a year is a cicle of the earth's orbit arround the sun.
Griffith Observatory, LA.

 Then I imagined everything stop, and realized that without movement, without change, there would be no such thing as time.

 So what does that say about a life that has no change, that has no movement? in which there is no going forwards, no going backwards, and every day is the same?; those years would feel like it was 'just yesterday' and it will feels like they went by quickly. On the other hand, if in those 5 years you  learned a million things and experienced many new things, they would seem to be more memorable and almost seem longer. For example, childhood years always feel longer that adult years, and thats because as a child every day has a new experience to offer, but as we get older, we tend to settle and establish routines. So time can be understood not only composed of length: past, future and preset; but by an extra dimention:  intensity.

So, i understood something that changed my view on life and is very hard to properly explain, but it basically states that:

You can have more time by having more change, and action in your life, because you need to understand that time is finite lengthwise but intense-wise its free to expand, and so it will. If you give your time a lot of change, of intensity, you will have 'more' time.
 Change in the sense of variation: going skiing, or taking a trip, of passing an important exam, or developing a project, that kind of change. Other kinds of change will make your life more intense, but bad intenseness (like the loss of a loved one) will make your life intense in the negative side of its dimension.
so bring progress to your life, because that will make it intense and memorable, and when you are laying down in your death bed, as we all will, you will know that your life feels like it had more time, even thou is not longer than anyone else.that was what i learned that day and have decided to guide my life accordingly.

 I tought I would share this lesson, the most important for me, instead of lesson 9, because seriously lesson 9 was pretty lame and I wanted to finish this series with a big one.
I hope you have liked this, as always feel free to contact me.


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